im already on calgary big "posted in Other football room", and in my blog
score is 23-4 Calgary going into the 2nd half, now usually I would hedge, but in this case getting 3, I think ill simply hold.
If I didnt have so much on Calgary already id love them in the 2nd, I assume we will et + points with Calgary and SASK is completey, I mean completly desimated by injuries, with 2 more in this game.
Line is coming up
Of course there is always a chance for a calgary let down here, but I just dont see it happening, this is a statement game for calgary and I beleieve they will want to hammer this statement home
score is 23-4 Calgary going into the 2nd half, now usually I would hedge, but in this case getting 3, I think ill simply hold.
If I didnt have so much on Calgary already id love them in the 2nd, I assume we will et + points with Calgary and SASK is completey, I mean completly desimated by injuries, with 2 more in this game.
Line is coming up
Of course there is always a chance for a calgary let down here, but I just dont see it happening, this is a statement game for calgary and I beleieve they will want to hammer this statement home